Saturday, November 20, 2010

WOULD YOU TURN DOWN 72 X 4 = 288 VIRGINS IN HEAVEN?: Blackmalefelon Superstar Maurice Clemmons Gettin' Dick Sucked In Heaven Or Did He Refuse Divine Pussy & Return To Earth To Fight Devil Again? Relive 2009 Protest At The Forza Coffee House By Maurice Clemmons

Where were you on November 29, 2009 when you first heard the news that the then not nationally known Maurice Clemmons, who had already earned a reasonably impressive reputation for fighting white police terrorism and standing up for his rights to claim white property for reparations, preached his courageous sermon against four racist Lakewood Police regime terrorists who were suspected of innumerable undocumented racial profiling violations against the city's black citizens and were believed to be responsible for creating an alleged atmosphere of fear many of the city's blacks reportedly lived in? Many, according to unconfirmed contacts with Washington State Penitentiary Islam elders, were already watching the TV and checking the Internet to see if Clemmons had already began his sermon.

“Brother Maurice went there with a bible. And then the unreported miracle happened," Seattle Black Foot Soldier Alfred "Issaquah" Shafford is quoted as saying. "For, when Maurice found himself under attack by the 4 State authorized racial terrorists he'd gone to preach to - and had no way to defend himself against them,God turned the Bible into a gun. We are eternally grateful for his sacrifice & courage.”
See full comments by Shafford on Shittycop

While the white media reports that the National Black Foot Soldier Network icon drove to the Forenza Coffee House, that morning, to commit an unprovoked attack against the four State supported racial terrorists, a GhettoBraggingRights Street Investigation, whose full details have yet to be fully disclosed, is believed to have found the so called officers Sgt. Mark Renninger, Officers Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold & Officer Greg Richards had been and were on an anti black rampage that had lasted for weeks and consisted of stopping and arresting blacks for no reason and falsifying police report details to, then, falsely imprison them.

"Brother Clemmons only went there to share the word of God with them," one unnamed source is quoted as saying. But once there, he found himself in a position where he had to defend himself against the very anti black police terrorism he had allegedly gone there to speak against."

The sermon earned Clemmons a reputation tantamount to that of such Black Male Felon and Penitentiary Legends like Mumia Abul Jamal and Black Guerilla Family founder George Jackson in under 24 hours.

According to key Washington State Penitentiary Islam contacts, although the slain martyr was rewarded with 288 virgins when he entered Divinity - after being murdered by a Seattle Police Racial Terrorist, the hero refused Allah's gift to return to the earthly plane and continue the fight against evil.

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