Monday, November 14, 2011

Whites: Hugues Akassy Is Sexiest Black On White (BOW) Rapist Since Steven Faegin & Letalvis; GhettoBraggingRights Find Disturbing Evolution In White American BOW Sex Fetish

Would black on white (BOW) crime poster child Channon Christian be proud that one of her alleged rapists and killers is reportedly still, six years later, considered one of America's sexiest BOW rapists by her own, racially terroristic and psychotically deranged white Americans?

Christian, who a GhettoBraggingRights (GBR) street investigation determined purchased a arranged her and a male friend's carjacking, kidnapping, robbery and rape under the delusion of getting the whole black thug sexual experience, is believed to have killed her male companion and committed suicide in a black sex driven, drug fueled escape.

"White America (males, females, boys and girls) went crazy over Letalvis," new GBR publisher Aniga Shakur says. "There were white kids and young adults allegedly dressing like Channon and her friend on Halloween and going to the house where the believed consensual gang bang happened and there's even the alleged Channon Christian Black Male Thug Sex Death Cult that young white males and females around the country are reportedly joining in masses."